Earning a college degree is a sure fire way to earn a great job in the future. Getting into the best colleges can be very tricky but if you are lucky enough to get in, you can easily assume to have a better future laid ahead of you. When choosing the right college, the college rating matters a lot. With thousands of available colleges today, there are different ratings used to identify the schools’ strengths and weaknesses. Incoming students just have to deal with varying quality of education based on their desired field. Here are some of the most popular rating systems where the best 50 college ranking usually comes from:
Forbes rating
Every year, Forbes Magazine comes up with a list of 50 best universities and colleges in the United States. They base their rating on the colleges’ teaching level, classroom sizes, student evaluation surveys, default rates or student debt ratio. Their list is probably one of the most reliable lists of all times.
Kiplinger on the other hand base their rating according to the colleges’ test score system, admission rates, graduations rates and the ratio of professors and enrollees. Ever year, Kiplinger creates a list that determines what university or colleges can maximize your money’s worth.
U.S. News and World Report
This one the other hand is the most anticipated listing of all because they base their rating system according to rates of admission, class rank, graduation rates, students-professor ratio and surveys. This top 50 high quality colleges list is updated and released every time new information or improvement is made.