We all know that in this world, infidelity would usually be instigated by husbands. But coming across this article where a wife would cheat and decide to go with another man, would the hubby give her a second chance despite moving on?
Women are always given the benefit of the doubt of being categorized under being battered but cheating on their part and then suddenly wanting to get back to their old lives is like walking on a thin line. In most cases, husbands would close the door and would rather carry on what is left. Focusing on career and the children is what mature men would normally do, not leaving any room for reconciliation between them?
It is in these cases where a man would decide. Should he choose his heart or just leave it to God�s Will. Whatever the decision would be, the final one made would be for the best of everyone. Lost trust is something that cannot be easily rebuilt and mature men know this all too well.