Did you know that adults with children in the house pack on more pounds than adults without kids? A medical study has found that parents who have their children living with them – no matter what the age, generally eat more saturated fat, too much of which can make one a candidate for heart disease.
How much saturated fat? It will seem like a tiny amount – 2 grams of saturated fat but that’s actually the equivalent of a weekly dose of one whole pepperoni pizza. The problem is that even tiny amounts become big over time. They get piled up and the end result, parents are fatter than they planned on.
Dr. Helena Laroche says that it is not the fault of the children. Rather it is a combination of factors such as high stress lifestyles and eating convenience foods. These processed foods may be quick to serve but in the long run, they add unwanted pounds and inches on the body.
These parents also often have less free time than adults without kids. So far the study show that the food choices made are often poor because of lack of time or because they are swayed by the preferences of the children such as the kids love for greasy food like hamburger and pizza.
The results of the study will be published next week.